среда, 18. јул 2012.

Hundertvaserova kuća u Beču, Hundertwasser House, Vienna

Na uglu ulica Kegelgasse and Löwengasse u trecem bicirku Beča postoji kuća iz snova, mesto gde možda živi Alisa iz zemlje čuda odmah pored Ivice i Marice. Ta čudesna građevina je stambena zgrada napravljena prema zamisli čuvenog austrijskog umetnika Fridensrajha Hundertvasera. 

At the corner of Kegelgasse and Löwengasse in the 3. District of Vienna there is a house from dreams, a place where maybe lives Alice from Wonderland right next to Little John and Little Margaret. That miraculous construction is apartment house made upon vision of famous Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

Ekscentričan u svojim umetničkim impulsima svoj slikarski talenat povezao je sa  arhitekturom u želji da svoj filozofski odnos prema stvarnosti pretoči u stvarnost ljudskog življenja u skladu sa prirodom. Nije voleo prave linije jer ih je smatrao neprirodnim (“ đavoljim oruđem”) te su stoga fasade zgrada uvek bile blago zatalasane i pune asimetričnih elemenata.

Eccentric in his artistic impulses he merged his talent for painting with architecture, wanting to transfuse his philosophical attitude about reality into reality of human living in harmony with nature. He didn`t like straight lines because he considered them unnatural (“devil`s tools”) so his facades were always slightly wavy and full of asymmetric elements.

U oslikavanju zidova uvek su dominirale jarke boje postavljene u dinamičniom kontrastu.
Njegov umetnički izraz odlikuju mozaici povezani u gotovo neprekidnom nizu.

Walls were predominantly coloured with vivid colours placed in dynamic contrast.His artistic expression is characterized by mosaics linked into perpetual line.

U stanovima koje je projektovao rastu prava stabla čije grane ponegde vire kroz prozore a krovovi  zgrada zasejani su pravim travnjacima i drvećem. Podovi su neravni jer je neravan pod “ muzika za stopala”. Ova jedinstvena dela arhitekture mogu se videti u Austriji, Nemačkoj, Japanu (Osaka), Kaliforniji (Dolina Napa), na Novom Zelandu (Kawaka) i Švajcarskoj.Velika Hundertvaserova inspiracija bili su austrijski slikari Egon Šile i Gustav Klimt.

In the apartments which he made large trees grow with limbs sticking out from windows and roof is covered with earth and grass. Floors are uneven because uneven floor is a “melody to the feet”. These unique works can be seen in Austria, Germany, Japan (Osaka), California (Napa Valley), New Zealand (Kawaka) and Switzerland.
Great inspiration of Hundertwasser were Austrian painters Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele.

Sam Hundertvaser  je bio vulkanska umetnička i životna priroda. Menjao je ime nekoliko puta, selio se i živeo u raznim zemljama, ženio se i razvodio brzinom smenjivanja noći i dana. U toj šarenoj vrtešci boja i pokreta koje danas možemo videti na fasadama njegovih zgrada, jedna jedina stvar provlačila se kao konstanta – njegova misao:“Ova kuća je moja duša!”

Hundertwasser, himself, was of volcanic artistic and life nature. He changed his name several times, he was moving and living in various countries, he was marrying and divorcing in a bit of day and night rotation. In that multicolour carousel of colours and moves that we can see today on facades of his buildings there was the only one thing that was running through as a constant – his thought “This house is my soul”.

Hundervasertova kuća je jedno od najposećenijih mesta u Beču. Ona je postala deo kulturne baštine Austrije. U kući se nalazi 52 stana, četiri kancelarije,16 privatnih terasa, tri opštinske terase i 250 stabala i grmova. U realizaciji ovog projekta učestvovao je i austrijski arhitekta Jozef Kravina.
Nedaleko od kuće u ulici Untere Weissgerberstrasse 13 nalazi se i Hundertvaserov Muzej.

The Hundertwasser House is one of Vienna's most visited buildings and has become part of Austria's cultural heritage. Within the house there are 52 apartments, four offices, 16 private terraces and three communal terraces, and a total of 250 trees and bushes.
Not far from the house in the street Untere Weissgerberstrasse 13 there is a Hundertwasser Museum.

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