среда, 21. април 2010.

Hram Zore, Wat Arun

Na obali reke Chao Praya u Bankoku nalazi se jedno od nejlepših obeležja ovog grada hram Wat Arun (Hram zore).
On the Chao Praya River bank in Bangkok there is one of the most beautiful landmarks of the city –Temple Wat Arun.

Ovaj budistički hram u svojoj arhitekturi ima elemente i Kmerskog i Tajlandskog stila.
This buddhist temple has in its architecture Khmer and Thai style elements.

Podignut je u vreme stare prestonice Ajutaje i kasnije dograđivan tokom vladavine raznih kraljeva.
It was built in the days of Thailand`s ancient capital of Ayutthaya and parts of the temple were additionaly built later throughout the reign of various Kings.

U njemu je jedno vreme boravila statua Smaragdnog Bude nakon što je bila vraćena iz Laosa a potom je ta najveća svetinja 1784. godine premeštena u hram Wat Phra Kaew ( koji se nalazi u sastavu Velike Palate) gde se može videti i danas.
The temple briefly hosted the revered Emerald Buddha after it was recaptured from Laos, but was moved to Wat Phra Kaew in 1784. where it can be seen today.

Najimpresivniji deo hrama je centralna pagoda izgrađena u Kmerskom stilu visine oko 80 m. Ona simbolizuje planinu Meru na kojoj borave bogovi i koja je prema indijskoj kosmologiji centar Univerzuma.
The most impressive feature of the temple is its central prang, a Khmer-style pagoda, which is about 80 meters tall. This pagoda symbolizes the legendary Mount Meru where gods live, the mountain that is, according to Indian cosmology, Center of the Universe.

Uz pagodu se može popeti veoma uzanim i strmim stepenicama do prvog i drugog nivoa sa kojih se pruža predivan pogled na reku i grad.
It is possible to climb the prang, using some very steep exterior steps, to the first and second level from which one can have a great view to the river and the city.

Lepota hrama je u njegovoj arhitekturi i ukrašenosti. Spoljni zidovi su obloženi školjkama i delićima kineskog porculana pa hram u zoru na prvim sunčevim zracima blista mnoštvom boja.
The beauty of the temple is in it`s architecture and its decoration. The exterior walls are decorated by seashells and bits of China porcelan so the temple shines with lots of colors under the first sunbeams of the dawn.

Centralnu pagodu okružuju četiri manje, posvećene bogu vetra Phra Phai. Iako je hram posvećen hinduističkom bogu zore Arunu najlepši pogled na ovu građevinu je u sumrak i to gledano sa druge strane reke Chao Praya. Pagode hrama se tada vide kao veličanstvene siluete na pospanom nebu Bankoka.
Central pagoda is surrounded by four smaller satellite prangs, which are dedicated to the wind god Phra Phai. Despite the name and the fact that the temple is dedicated to Indian god of the Dawn Arun, the most spectacular view of the glittering monument can be seen from the east side of the river at sunset, when the spires of Wat Arun make an impressive silhouette against the sleepy skyline of Bangkok.

уторак, 6. април 2010.

Carska palata Sirmijum, Royal Palace Sirmium

U malom gradu Sremska Mitrovica (antičko ime Sirmium) na oko 70 km od Beograda nalazi se arheološki lokalitet sa ostacima grada iz doba rimske imperije.
In a small town Sremska Mitrovica (ancient name Sirmium) about 70 km west from Belgrade in Serbia, there is an archaeological site with remains of a town from the Roman Empire era.

U vreme tetrarhije Sirmijum je bio jedna od četiri prestonice Rimskog carstva. U njemu je rođeno šest vladara te moćne imperije. Grad je bio prostran, okružen bedemima i rovovima unutar kojih se nalazila Carska palata.
During the period of Tetrarchy Sirmium was one of four capitals of the Empire. Six rulers were born in it. The city was spacious, surrounded by walls and water trenches inside which there was a Royal Palace.

Istraživanja sprovedena od sredine 20. veka otkrila su pored palate sa hipodromom i monumentalne „Licinijeve terme“, trg sa hramovima,
Explorations of the site made from middle of the 20th century onwards discovered the palace with hippodrome, “Licinius thermae (baths)”, squares with temples,
Žitni trrg, Wheat square

akvadukt koji je grad snabdevao vodom, ulice, prodavnice, brojne gradske vile, ali i višespratne stambene građevine, zvane insulae, u kojima je živelo siromašnije stanovništvo.
aqueduct which was supplying city with water, streets, shops, numerous villas and multi-storey buildings called Insulae where poor citizens lived.

Nad ostacima Carske palate, mestom na kojem je krojena sudbina sveta u doba rimske imperije, sagradjen je Vizitorski centar.
Over the remains of the Royal Palace, the place where the destiny of the world was decided in the time of Roman Empire, the Visitors Centre is made.

Na prostoru površine 2680 kvadratnih metara posetioci mogu videti prostorije i mozaike ove građeivine koja potiče s kraja trećeg i iz četvrtog veka. Otkriveni su masivni antički zidovi, delovi uređaja za centralno grejanje (hipokaust),
At the area of 2680 square meters visitors can see rooms and mosaics of this building that dates from period between the end of 3rd and the end of 4th century AD. A massive wall, built of stone blocks, a system of heating (hypocausts),

mozaički podovi površine oko 350 metara kvadratnih sa geometrijskim ornamentima,
350 square meters of mosaic floors with geometric ornaments,

fragmenti fresaka sa biljnim motivima, pločice raznobojnog mermera, ostaci kanalizacione i vodovodne mreže.
fragments of frescoes with plants motifs, colorful tiles of marble, the remains of canalization and water supply has been found.

Carska palata je kroz istoriju zidana u nekoliko faza. Druga faza izgradnje se može pripisati Konstantinu Velikom.
Royal Palace was built through several phases.The second construction phase can be attributed to reign of Constantine The Great.

On je boravio u Sirmijumu duže od ostalih imperatora u periodu od 316. do 321. godine.
He resides in Sirmium longer than any other emperor from 316. – 321.

Smatra se da je jedno vreme planirao da novu prestonicu carstva podigne u ovom gradu. O tom svedoči i predstava na novcu kovanom u Sirmijumu, gde se kao simbol pojavljuje predstava gradske boginje Tihe, motiv koji se kasnije koristi na zlatnom novcu Konstantinopolja. Konstantin Veliki je prvi rimski vladar koji je prihvatio hrišćanstvo, napravio mnoge značajne reforme, osnovao Konstantinopolj novu prestonicu carstva i time postavio temelje budućem Vizantijskom carstvu.
It is believed that he planned to make Sirmium the new capital of the empire. The coins made in Sirmium at that time gives an evidence of that intention since the motif of city goddess Tiha that appears on those coins is the same one that can be seen on golden coins manufactured and found later in Constantinople. Constantine the Great is the first Roman emperor who accepted Christianity, made a lot of reforms and founded Constantinople a new capital of the empire and through all that he placed foundations for a future Byzantine Empire.

Čuveni rimski pisac iz IV veka Amijan Marcelin naziva Sirmijum „Slavna i mnogoljudna majka gradova“. Danas se antički ostaci nalaze ispod savremenog grada i samo su delimično prezentovani, koliko to dopušta prostor arheoloških iskopina, koje se nalaze između zgrada.
Ancient historian from IV century Ammianus Marcellinus called Sirmium "the glorious mother of cities". Nowadays the remains of ancient city are below modern city and are only presented as much as the size of archaeological sites, placed between buildings, allow.

Sremska Mitrovica je jedan od najstarijih gradova u Evropi. Arheolozi su pronašli tragove organizovanog ljudskog života iz perioda 5000 godina pre nove ere. Takođe je i jedan od najvažnjih gradova u istoriji hrišćanstva. 2013. godine se obeležava 1700 godina od donošenja Milanskog edikta cara Konstantina. Ovim carskim ukazom je dozvoljeno slobodno ispovedanje hrišćanske vere i zaustavljen je dalji progon hrišćana. U proslavu ovog jubileja uključiće se i grad Sremska Mitrovica s obzirom na to da je Konstantin Veliki deo svoje vladavine vezao za Sirmijum i njegovu Carsku palatu.
Sremska Mitrovica is one of the oldest cities in Europe. Archaeologists have found a trace of organized human life dating from the 5000 BC. Also it is one of the most important cities in a history of Christianity. In 2013 there will be celebration of 1700 years anniversary of Emperor Constantine’s Edict of Milan. By this decree Christianity was accepted and further prosecution of Christians was ceased. Sremska Mitrovica will take part in this celebration since Constantine The Great engaged a great part of his reign to Sirmium and it`s Royal Palace.

Bazilika Svetog Dimitrija V vek, St.Dimitrije Basilica 5th century

Sremska Mitrovica se nalazi u ravnici pored autoputa Zagreb – Beograd na oko 50 km od granice Srbije i Hrvatske.
Sremska Mitrovica is situated in a plain, by the Zagreb – Belgrade highway some 50 km from the border of Serbia and Croatia.