50 km udaljen od grada Arhusa na severu Danske, na obali mora nalazi se
gradić Ebeltoft. Ovo omiljeno letovalište Danaca maleno je mesto puno
nekoliko vekova starih kuća i kaldrmisanih ulica. Mnogi danci imaju letnjikovce u ovom kraju pa je cela oblast vrlo živa leti.
Slike koje slede snimljene su u oktobru (van sezone).
50 km away from Aarhus up north in Denmark, at the sea, there is a little town Ebeltoft. This favorite touristic place of danish people has a lot of centuries old houses and cobbled streets.A lot of Danish people have summer houses here so the area is lively during summer.
Following photos were taken in October (off peak season).

U luci je smešten najduži drveni ratni jedrejnak na svetu. Brod je danas muzej te se može obići njegova unutrašnjost.
The longest wooden warship in a world is placed in the harbor. Today it is converted into a museum so visitors can see the inside of the
Plaže su blizu hotela I kampova u samom mestu kao I u široj okolini.
Beaches are close to hotels and camp sites in town and in surrounding area.
U mestu
se nalazi I jedan od najstarijih muzeja stakla. U uzanim ulicama mogu se naći radnje sa radovima
raznih umetnika. U okolini Ebeltofta nalazi se nacionalni park Mols Bjerge I
safari Ree Park.
Ebeltoft is home to one of the world's first glass museums. Down the narrow streets one can find shops with artists` works. National park Mols Bjerge and safari Ree Park are close to the town.

Poseban doživljaj je vožnja biciklom kroz okolna sela I živopisni krajolik. Boje neba i mora su svojevrstan prirodni fenomen. Variraju od svetlo plave do čelično sive I crne.
Very special experience is riding a bicycle through surrounding villages and magical landscape. Sea and sky colors are sort of natural phenomena. They vary from light blue to steel gray and black.

Danci vole da se kupaju u svom moru koje je, kažu toplo tokom letnjih meseci (18 – 20 stepeni Celzijusa). Mnogi su i članovi kluba zimskog kupanja!
Danish people love to swim in their sea. They say that it is warm during summer months (18 -20 C). Lot of them are members of a winter swimming clubs!
Boraveći u ovoj zemlji osim predivne prirode svuda ćete gledati lepa, zdrava i nasmejana lica Danaca.
When you are in in this country, apart from great nature, you will look at beautiful and healthy faces of danish people everywhere!
Slike koje slede snimljene su u oktobru (van sezone).
Following photos were taken in October (off peak season).

U luci je smešten najduži drveni ratni jedrejnak na svetu. Brod je danas muzej te se može obići njegova unutrašnjost.
The longest wooden warship in a world is placed in the harbor. Today it is converted into a museum so visitors can see the inside of the

Plaže su blizu hotela I kampova u samom mestu kao I u široj okolini.
Beaches are close to hotels and camp sites in town and in surrounding area.

Ebeltoft is home to one of the world's first glass museums. Down the narrow streets one can find shops with artists` works. National park Mols Bjerge and safari Ree Park are close to the town.

Poseban doživljaj je vožnja biciklom kroz okolna sela I živopisni krajolik. Boje neba i mora su svojevrstan prirodni fenomen. Variraju od svetlo plave do čelično sive I crne.
Very special experience is riding a bicycle through surrounding villages and magical landscape. Sea and sky colors are sort of natural phenomena. They vary from light blue to steel gray and black.

Danci vole da se kupaju u svom moru koje je, kažu toplo tokom letnjih meseci (18 – 20 stepeni Celzijusa). Mnogi su i članovi kluba zimskog kupanja!
Danish people love to swim in their sea. They say that it is warm during summer months (18 -20 C). Lot of them are members of a winter swimming clubs!
Boraveći u ovoj zemlji osim predivne prirode svuda ćete gledati lepa, zdrava i nasmejana lica Danaca.
When you are in in this country, apart from great nature, you will look at beautiful and healthy faces of danish people everywhere!
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