U Andamanskom moru, između ostrva Puket i mesta Krabi na kopnu Tajlanda, pod suncem drema jedno od najlepših ostrva na svetu – maleni Pi –Pi (Phi-Phi). Pi-Pi ostrvo i njegova epska lepota godinama privlače one duhom mlade iz celog sveta.

In the Andaman Sea, between island Phuket and Krabi town on Thailand mainland, under the Sun, naps one of the most beautiful islands in the world – tiny Phi - Phi. Phi- Phi and its epic beauty attracts those young in heart from all over the world.
Atmosfera u ovom tropskom raju je sasvim specifična. Mnogi ovo mesto smatraju svojim domom kad su daleko od kuce i tu provode po nekoliko meseci. Žive u lokalnim hostelima ili pansionima, provode dane na prelepim peščanim plažama

a noći u barovima na plaži gde se igra, peva i luduje do zore. Pod mnoštvom zvezda u plićaku gore velike baklje obasjavajući tela onih koji se u toploj vodi grle i ljube. Pića se piju smešana al ne iz čaša nego iz malih kofa i nesebično se nude svakom.
The atmosphere in this tropical paradise is very specific. A lot of people consider this place a “home when they are away from home” and they stay for several months at this island. They live in local hostels or lodging-houses, they spend days on a beautiful sandy beaches and nights in beach bars where they dance, sing and party till dawn. Under million of stars big torches burn in a shallow water lightening up bodies of those who hug and kiss in the warm sea. Drinks are consumed mixed and not from glasses but from small buckets. Drinks are shared with everyone.
Phi-Phi is a favorite place of Swedes and divers from all over the world. The island consists of main one Phi-Phi Don and smaller one Phi-Phi Leh. Tourists are accommodated on the main one and small one is a spot for snorkeling since the underwater world is extremely beautiful and diverse.
To Pi-Pi Le ostrvce postalo je poznato kada je na njemu 2000. godine sniman film „Plaža“ sa Leonardom Di Kaprijem u glavnoj ulozi. Lepota plaže, prirode i slika skrivenog raja privukli su turiste iz celog sveta.

That Phi-Phi Leh islet became famous in 2000. when film “The Beach” with Leonardo Di Caprio playing the main role was filmed there. The beauty of the beach, nature and an image of a hidden paradise attracted tourists from all parts of the planet.
Na ostrvu Pi-Pi Don može se naći jeftin smeštaj (od 5 do 15 eura) ali i veoma skupi i luksuzni hoteli (za svačiji džep po nešto). Ljudi su opušteni, nasmejani i isključeni od ostatka sveta. Tu se lako sklapaju nova prijateljstva i rađaju velike romanse. Dani provedeni na ostrvu Pi- Pi su dani provedeni u nekom drugom čarobnom svetu!
On Phi-Phi Don one can find cheap accommodation (5- 15 euro) or a luxury hotel. People who are spending time on this island are relaxed, with smiling faces and they are disconnected from the rest of the world. This is a place where friendships are easily made and great romances are quickly born. Days spent on Phi- Phi island are days spent in another - magical world!
U steni ostrvceta Pi-Pi Le nalazi se „Pećina Vikinga“ koja je dobila ime po starim crtežima brodova koji se nalaze na zidovima pećine i koji liče na brodove vikinga. U toj pećini se nalazi mnoštvo ptičijih gnezda od kojih se pravi čuvena „ supa od ptičijeg gnezda“.
In the rock of Phi-Phi Leh there is a “Viking cave”. It got a name upon drawings of ancient boats similar to Viking boats that were found on the walls of the cave. In the cave there are lot of bird`s nests a key ingredient for famous Birds nest soup.
Zvuči gadno ali ova supa je bogata sastojcima koji su dobri za varenje, podižu libido, odstranjuju astmu, pomažu u postizanju bolje koncentracije i sveukupno podstiču imuni sistem. Gnezda prave mužjaci jedne vrste azijske laste. Proces traje u vreme parenja. Gnezda izgledaju kao plitke činijice zalepljene za svod pećine. Sačinjena su od pljuvačke ptice i imaju visok nivo kalcijuma, gvožđa, kalijuma i magnezijuma. Supa od ptičijeg gnezda je delikates u kineskoj kuhinji. Takođe je i jedan od najskupljih obroka životnijskog porekla u ljudskoj ishrani. Činija ove supe u Hong Kongu košta od 30 do 100 američkih dolara a kilogram samih gnezda plaća se između 2000 i 10.000 dolara.

It sounds terrible but this soup is rich in nutrients which are aiding digestion, raising libido, alleviating asthma, improving focus, and an overall benefit to the immune system. The nests are built during the breeding season by the male swiftlet. They take the shape of a shallow cup stuck to the cave wall. The nests are composed of interwoven strands of salivary laminae cement. Both nests have high levels of calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. Bird`s nest soup is a delicacy in Chinese cuisine. Also it is one of the most expensive meals made of animal products. A bowl of this soup costs in Hong- Kong 30 -100 $ and kilogram of those nests costs between 2000 and 10.000 $.
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