Na obroncima Fruske Gore u banji Vrdnik nalazi se manastir Vrdnik – Sremska Ravanica. Po predanju sazidan je pre 1521. godine.

On one side of the mountain Fruska Gora in Serbia, at SPA Vrdnik there is a monastery Vrdnik also called Sremska Ravanica. According to oral report from generation to generation it was built before 1521.
Its great history started after Great migration of Serbs (in 1690) when monks from Serbian Ravanica Monastery, who transferred relics of Knez (Prince) Lazar to St. Andrea in Hungary, found themselves in this deserted monastery. They settled in it and in 1697 they brought relics of Prince Lazar to the monastery. From that moment onwards, this place became a center point of Prince Lazar cult, a cult of a historic hero who influenced a great deal forming of a Serbian national consciousness.
U sremskoj Ravanici ležale su mošti Kneza sve do 1942. godine a potom su zbog Drugog svetskog rata, koji je besneo svuda, prenete u Sabornu crkvu u Beogradu. Konačno 1989. godine vraćene su tamo odakle su i krenule na viševekovno putovanje, u manastir Ravanicu kod Ćuprije gde i danas počivaju. U manastiru Vrdnik danas se nalazi kivot i samo deo moštiju Kneza Lazara (ključna kost).
In Sremska Ravanica monastery relics were kept till 1942. and later they were moved to Saborna Crkva (main Assembly Church) in Belgrade because of the second World War. Finally in 1989. they were returned to the place from which they went on a several centuries long journey – to monastery Ravanica near town Cuprija. Relics are in that monastery even today. In monastery Vrdnik reliquary of Prince Lazar and just a part of relics (clavicle) live today.
First Monograph about life of Princess Olivera, daughter of Prince Lazar, who was given after Kosovo Battle to Sultan Bayazit as a peace guarantee between Serbia and Turkey was published in Belgrade in 2009. It is based on written sources and literature. The publisher is „Princess Olivera“ Foundation. More information can be seen on
Današnja crkva nije prvobitna već je novija i datira iz perioda 1801. godine kada je početa njena gradnja. Zidana je deset godina i na Vidovdan 1811. godine je završena i osveštana.
Present church is not an old one. It is new and its construction started in 1801. Building of the church lasted for 10 years and in 1811. on Vidovdan it was finished and consecrated.
Kada uđete u crkvu pred vama se do samog neba uzdiže grandiozni ikonostas, možda najlepši ikad viđen. Ta uzvišena lepota na tren zaustavlja dah, otkucaje srca i otvara pred nemim posmatračem dimenziju večnosti. Iz starih slika i kitnjastih duboreza dodiruju vas minuli vekovi
i ćutke gledaju njihovi sveci. Ovaj ikonostas delo je bečkog đaka, velikog srpskog slikara Dimitrija Avramovića. Ikonostas je završio 1853. godine.
When you enter the church the magnificent iconostasis, maybe the most beautiful ever seen, ascends sky high in front of you. That majestic beauty takes for a moment breath away, holds heartbeat and opens before spectator`s eyes a dimension of eternity. From ancient paintings and wooden frame engravings past centuries touch you and silently their saints observe you. This iconostasis is a work of great Serbian painter Dimitrije Avramovic who was art student in Vienna. He finished iconostasis in 1853.
Manastir Vrdnik smešten je u Nacionalnom parku Fruška gora pa priroda koja ga okružuje miriše najdivnijim šumskim mirisima.
Monastery Vrdnik is situated in the National Park Fruska Gora so the nature that surrounds it smells with the most beautful wood sents!
Oni koji vole duge šetnje u prirodi mogu iz manstira poći nekom od staza i uživati u svežem planinskom vazduhu.
Walking lovers can take any path that goes from a monastery and enjoy in a fresh mountain air.
U banji Vrdnik nalazi se izvor termalne vode pa se posetioci mogu kupati i zimi i leti u lekovitoj vodi koja ima temperaturu 32 stepena celzijusa. Otvoreni bazen se koristi leti a zimi je u upotrebi zatvoreni bazen koji se nalazi u sklopu hotela Termal.
In Vrdnik SPA there is a swimming pool with natural thermal water. Visitors can swim summer and winter time in a healing water that has temperature of 32 C. Indoor swimming pool is in a hotel Termal complex.
Banja Vrdnik se nalazi na 60km od Beograda, 26 km od Novog Sada i 17km od mesta Ruma. Iz Beograda petkom ide autobus direktno za Vrdnik a svakodnevno ima više autobusa za Rumu. Iz Rume se može uzeti taksi koji u zavisnosti od broja putnika iznosi od 200 – 700din. Iz Novog Sada može se doći privatnom taksi službom „Mita“( tel : 063/502851) i „Gavrić“ ( tel : 064/1779918 i 064/2406205). Cena vožnje je 200din.
How to get there:
SPA Vrdnik is situated 60km away from Belgrade, 26km from Novi Sad and 17km from town Ruma. There is a bus to Vrdnik from Belgrade bus station every Friday. Every day there are lot of buses to Ruma (499RSD) and taxi service from ruma to Vrdnik (200-700RSD). From Novi Sad there is a taxi servise „Mita“ (tel: 063/502851) i „Gavrić“ ( tel : 064/1779918 i 064/2406205). The price is 200RSD.
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