Sahara je naveća topla pustinja na svetu. Idući na jug Tunisa nailazi se na razne oblike pustinjskog pejzaža.Na samom početku velikog mora peska nalazi se oaza Duz koja se još zove i „Vrata Sahare“.

Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world. Going south in Tunisia various desert landscapes can be seen.At the entrance of great send sea there is an oasis Douz also known as the „Gateway to the Sahara“.
U njoj se danas nalaze palmarijumi sa preko milion stabala palmi koje radjaju najpoznatiju urmu na svetu Dglet Nur.
In Douz, today, there is more than one million palm trees of most famous dates „Diglat Noor“. That is why this oasis is considered as major producer of this fruit.
Na kamilama se nakon pola sata jahanja može stići do prvog debelog, belog saharskog peska. Kada karavan zastane ljubitelji pustijne mogu sjahati i zaroniti bose noge u topli svetli puder. Mogu u njega sesti i pod vrelim pustinjskim suncem osetiti atmosferu putujućih karavana i beduina. Duz je u prošlosti bio jedno od važnih mesta na putu trans saharskih karavana koji su omogućavali trgovinu izmedju mediteranskih zemalja i zemalja podsahare.
After thirty minutes of riding a camel in a caravan the first thick, white sends of Sahara can be reached. When the caravan stops, desert lovers can dismount and dig their bare feet into warm white powder. They can also sit on the send and under hot desert sun they can feel the atmosphere of a traveling caravans and Bedouins. In previous times Douz was one of the most important stops on the trans-Saharan caravan routes. Trans – Saharan trade was a trade across Sahara desert between Mediterranean and sub – Saharan countries.
U Duzu se može odsesti u nekom od izvanrednih hotela.
There are lot of good hotels in Douz.
Skoro svi hoteli imaju bazene pa se u toplim saharskim noćima može do jutra kupati i spavati pored bazena pod mnoštvom niskih zvezdanih sazveždja. Hotel Sahara Douz ima i otvoreni i zatvoreni termalni bazen. Blatnjava voda ima relaksirajuće i lekovito dejstvo.
Almost all hotels have swimming pools so it is possible to swim, in a warm Saharan nights and sleep by the pool under the low star constellations , till morning comes. Hotel Sahara Douz has both outdoor and indoor thermal swimming pool. Muddy water has healing and relaxing effect.
Oni koji vole avanturu i noći pod vedrim nebom pustinje mogu preko lokalnih agencija poći na višednevno putovanje u karavanu.
Duz je i dobra bazna stanica za one koji žele da obiđu brojne pustinjske lokalitete rasute na zapad sve do alžirske granice i na istok do granice sa Libijom. Na ove ture najbolje je poći džipovima sa pogonom na sva četiri točka.
Adventurers who love nights under the open sky of desert can go on a several day caravan trip which can be booked in one of local agencies. Douz is also starting point for those who want to visit numerous desert sites scattered on the West all the way to Algerian border and on the East towards the border with Libya. The best way to experience those excursions is to book place in a four- wheel-drive vehicle.
Svake godine u novembru ili decembru u Duzu se održava Međunarodni festival Sahare. To je četvorodnevna proslava tradicionalne pustinjske kulture. Na festivalu ima mnogo muzike, igre, poezije, borbi kamila i trka pasa rase Salugi koja je karakteristična za severnu afričku pustinju (Persijski hrt).
Every year Douz hosts the International Festival of the Sahara, a four-day celebration of traditional desert culture. The festival, usually held in November or December, features traditional music and dancing, poetry readings, camel wrestling, and racing of horses and Salugis (a type of dog, similar to a greyhound, native to the North African desert; also known as Persian Greyhound)