U drugoj ulici u Pataji (gradu na obali, nedaleko od Bankoka) nalazi se svetski poznato pozorište Alcazar.
In the 2nd road of Pattaya (town at the coast, not far from Bangkok) there is a world-wide famous theatre Alcazar.
Osnovala ga je porodica Phettrakul pre dvadesetak godina. Tada je to bilo malo pozorište skromnih mogućnosti a danas je izraslo u svetsku atrakciju koja po kabaretskom programu liči na Mulen Ruž I Lido. Razlika I posebnost je u tome što su sve igračice zapravo bivši muškarci u svetu poznati pod nazivom Lady-boys (Dama - dečak).
It was founded by Phettrakul family some twenty years ago. It was small theatre with rudimentary equipment but today it grew into world `s attraction which regarding cabaret show is similar to Moulin Rouge and Lido. The difference and originality are actresses who were actually man by origin. They are known as Lady – boys.

Gracioznost pokreta, prefinjenost I lepota ovih pozorišnih diva pomera granicu između stvarnog I mogućeg do stanja kulturološkog šoka! Nakon ove zadivljujuće parade ženstvenosti svaka moderna žena ne može a da se ne pita “ Jesam li sebi previše dozvolila?”
Grace while they move, sophistication and beauty of those theatre divas move the border between real and possible up to the stage of cultural shock! After this astonishing parade of femininity every modern woman cannot resist asking herself a question “Have I allowed myself too much?”
Šou je božanstvena mešavina glume, priče, raskošne scenografije i kostima, vrhunskog ozvučenja I rasvete. Svaka tačka je posvećena različitoj kulturi tako da svaki posetilac može pronaći trenutak za sebe.
The show is a mixture of acting, story, magnificent stage design and costumes, state of art light and sound system. Each sequence of the show describes different culture so each visitor to the Theatre can find something for himself.
Nakon predstave glumice će izaći ispred pozorišta I sa zadovoljstvom se slikati sa vama. Naravno bakšiš je obavezan a ukoliko ste žena obavezno će biti prisutan i osećaj griže savesti I “poraženosti”!
After the show actresses will come out in front of theatre and with pleasure take photos with you. Of course tips is obligatory and if you are a women there will OBLIGATORY be present feelings of bad conscience and being “defeated”!
Karte I transport do pozorišta možete organizovati na recepciji bilo kog hotela. Cena ulaznice je od 10 do 20 eura i zavisi od termina i mesta. Alcazar šou morate videti bar jednom u životu!!!
Any hotel reception desk can organize tickets and transport to the show. Ticket price vary from 10 to 20 euro depending on time of the show and seats taken. Alcazar show is a must see, at least once in a lifetime!!!
Ја сам била у овом позоришту, и стварно је доживљај. Прави спектакл, доста је било посећено. Изгледају као најлпше жене, а нису.