Close to German border with Belgium and Netherland there is an old town of Achen.
Danas je on poznata banja sa termalnim izvorima i prestižni univerzitetski grad.
Today it is a famous thermal SPA and an elite university city.
U osmom veku bio je omiljeno mesto boravka Karla Velikog (768 – 814). U Ahenu je Karlo Veliki započeo gradnju katedrale poznate kao Carska katedrala koja je kasnije tokom šest vekova služila kao mesto krunisanja nemačkih kraljeva. U katedrali je ovaj veliki imperator i sahranjen.
In 8th century it was a favoured residence of Charlemagne (768-814). In Achen he started building of cathedral frequently referred as Imperial Cathedral which was later, during six centuries, the church of coronation for German kings. This great emperor was buried in the cathedral.
Lepota srednjevekovne arhitekture i danas je prisutna svuda u gradu. Šetajuci uzanim kaldrmisanim ulicama nailazite na fasade i atmosferu prošlih vekova. Već prvim koracima pratite stope kraljeva stare Evrope!
Beauty of medieval architecture is present even today all over the city. Walking down the narrow cobbled streets you come across facades and atmosphere of past centuries. Along with first steps you already follow footsteps of Old European Kings.
Ahen je danas grad mladih jer u njemu živi veliki broj studenata i turističko mesto jer je Ahenska Katedrala, proglašena za svetsku kulturnu baštinu od strane UNESCO-a.
Today Achen is a city of young people because a lot of students live there. It is also a touristic spot since Achen Cathedral was declared a UNESCO world heritage site.
In Achen you can taste famous gingerbread and sweets!