U zemlji lepih ljudi, toplog mora I vrele pustinje postoji malo mesto uzbudljive prošlosti. Zove se Mahdija.Nalazi se u Tunisu, 60km južno od aerodroma u Monastiru I pruža se duž tirkizne plaže posute belim debelim peskom. U centru grada polako živi stara Medina puna malenih radnji u kojima se prodaje mnoštvo različitih stvari.

In a land of beautiful people, warm sea and hot desert there is a small place with exciting history. It name is Mahdia. It is situated in Tunisia some 65km south of Monastir airport and stretches along turquoise beaches with white sends. In the center of the city lives slowly old Medina full of tiny little shops where lot of various things can be found.
U Medinu se ulazi kroz veliku kamenu kapiju Skifa El- Kahla, ostatak iz desetog veka u kom je grad nastao..
At the entrance to the Medina a massive stone gate stands. It is Skifa El Kahla the original remain from 10th century, time when town was founded.
U centru Medine pod krošnjama
debelog hlada, lokalno stanovništvo uživa u toplim noćima pijući čaj od nane sa pinjolama I mladim bademima. U vazduhu leluja slatki miris nargila. Mirišu mešane jabuke, breskve I duvan.
In the midpoint of Medina, under the treetops, in thick shadows locals enjoy warm nights, sipping mint tea with pine nuts or young almonds. A sweet smell of nargile (sheesha) hovers through the air. Mixed apples, peaches and tobacco smell everywhere around.
Iz kafea El Medina pruža se pogled na Veliku Džamiju. Ova građevina je replika originalne džamije koju je početkom desetog veka podigao El Mahdi, kalif fatimidske dinastije koji je grad I osnovao. Arhitektura džamije je neobična, jer po ugledu na džamije iz desetog veka, nema minarete.
From café El Medina a magnificent Great Mosque can be observed. This building is a replica of original mosque erected at the beginning of 10th century by El Mahdi, Fatimid caliph, who founded Mahdia. Architecture of the mosque is unusual because it has no minarets (mosques in 10th century didn`t have minarets).
Petak je najsvetiji dan u Islamu te mnoštvo sveta dolazi na molitvu u veliku džamiju. Uz vernike u grad dolaze I trgovci pa je petkom oko Medine poređano bezbroj malih stolova I štandova sa najraznovrsnijom robom. Petak je veliki pijačni dan u Mahdiji I stoga prilika da se kupac utopi u šarenilo orijentalnog bazara.
Friday is the holiest day in Islam so lot of people comes to pray in the mosque. Along with believers traders comes to town so on Friday a number of small tables and stands are placed around Medina. Friday is a big market day and the chance for shopping lovers to blend in colorful oriental bazaar.
Uz bočni zid džamije nalazi se kafe Kiros u kom se u orijentalnom ambijentu obasjanom roze svetlošću može uživati u pravom italijanskom espresu.
Next to the side wall of the mosque there is a café Kiros where in oriental ambient illuminated by pink light one can enjoy in a real Italian espresso.
Na vrhu poluostrva, na kom Mahdija počiva, nalazi se tvrđava iz 16. veka. Sagrađena je na mestu gde je nekada bila El Mahdijeva palata. Sa tvrđave se pruža veličanstven pogled na more I oklolinu.
At the top of peninsula where Mahdia is situated there is a fortress from 16th century. It was built at the spot where centuries ago was El Mahdi`s palace. From the top of the fortress visitors can experience great view to the sea and surrounding area.
Mahdija je najpoznatija po svojim plažama. Zbog plavog čistog mora I belog peska zovu je još I Karibi Mediterana.
Mahdia is best known for it`s beaches. Because of the blue clear sea and white send beaches it is also called Caribbean of the Mediterranean sea!