Najveća i najlepša plaža na ostrvu Langavi je plaža Cenang.
The longest and the most beautiful beach on the island Langkawi is Cenang.
Duga je oko 3 km ako se u obzir uzme i plaža Tengah koja se nalazi iza malog rta.
It is 3km long together with small beach Tengah which is placed behind little cape.

Lepota plaže je u prostranosti, debelom belom pesku, i toplom plićaku u kom se može provesti ceo dan.
The beauty of the beach is in it`s spaciousness, white thick send and warm shallow water where whole day can be spend.

U senci visokih palmi nalaze se mali restorani u kojima se priprema izvrsna lokalna hrana po vrlo pristupačnim cenama. Tu se može popiti piće i mnogo kafe. U predvečerje duga šetnja pored vode, vodi vas pored raznih hotela i drvenih kućica smeštenih na samoj plaži. Na udaljenom kraju nalazi se hotelski kompleks Meritus Pelangi (5 zvezdica) arhitekturom uklopljen u okolinu. Svuda je tišina, mir i toplina okićena visokim ćubastim palmama.
In the shadows of tall palm trees there are restaurants where delicious local food can be found under the reasonable prices. There you can have a drink or a lot of coffee. On the eve a long stroll by the water leads you along various hotels and wooden cottages situated right on the beach. At the distant end there is a 5 star resort Meritus Pelangi who`s architecture blends it into the environment. Peace, tranquility and heat adorned by tall crested palm trees is present everywhere.

Sumraci su purpurni i tihi.
Night-falls are purple and silent.
Posećenost ostrva nije velika pa je ova plaža mesto za pravi odmor. Uz plažu se proteže glavna ulica u kojoj se kupuju razni suveniri, voće na malim tezgama i večera u restoranima. Tu se može naći skroman i vrlo jeftin smeštaj (5 eura za noć po osobi) za putnike sa malim budžetom za putovanja.
The island is not visited much so this beach is a perfect place for rest. Along the beach goes the main street where you can by souvenirs, fruits on the small booths and you can have a lunch or a dinner in restaurants. Travelers on a low budget can find here decent room at a very low price (5 euro/night/person).

Noću na plaži radi nekoliko kafea. U nekima ima uobičajenih klupa i stolica a u nekim gosti sede ili leže na prostirkama prostrtim na pesku. Rasveta je oskudna ili ne postoji pa u noći među gostima uvek gore sveće i improvizovani lampioni.
At night there are several bars on the beach. Some of them are with regular benches and tables and in some of them guests sit or lie on mats laid on the sand. Lighting is poor or there`s no at all so among guests candles and improvised lanterns are lighting up in the night.
Cenang plaža je zaista pravi beg od užurbane civilizacje i stresa.
Cenang beach is a real escape from busy civilization and stress.
Neki stranci na njoj provode godine ljuljuškajući se na svojim jedrilicama, plivajući u tropskom moru i pijuckajući raznobojna pića. Vrlo je popularno domaće pivo.
Some foreigners are spending years at this beach swaying on their sailing-ships, swimming in a tropical sea and drinking colorful drinks. Local beer is very popular.