Crkva Aja Sofija (Crkva svete mudrosti), sagrađena je između 532. godine i 537. godine po naređenju vizantijskog cara Justinijana u tadašnjem Konstantinopolju (Istanbul).Smatra se ovaploćenjem vizantijske arhitekture.

Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) church was built between 532 and 537 A.D. in Constantinople (Istanbul) on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian. It is considered and epitome of byzantine architecture.
Skoro hiljadu godina bila je najveće katedrala u svetu.
Almost one thousand years it was the largest cathedral in the world.
Kada su Turci osvojili Konstantinopolj Sultan Mehmed II (Osvajač) naredio je da se crkva preobrati u džamiju. Uklonjena su zvona, oltar, 15 m visok srebrni ikonostas a mozaici su prekriveni malterom I iscrtani muralima u duhu Islama. Tokom godina izgradjena su 4 minareta i postavljen je Mihrab (niša u zidu džamije).
When Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople, Sultan Mehmed II (Conqueror) ordered the building to be converted into a mosque. The bells, altar, 15 m high silver iconostasis were removed, and many of the mosaics were plastered over and painted with murals of Islamic art. Over the course of the following years 4 minarets were added and Mihrab (niche in the wall of the mosque) was placed.
Mihrab ukazuje na Kiblah (pravac u kom vernici treba da obavljaju molitvu) a to je pravac u kom se nalazi Meka (najsvetije mesto u Islamskoj religiji). Tokom narednih 500 godina služila je kao uzor za izgradnju džamija u otomanskom carstvu. Preko puta Aja Sofije u periodu od 1609. godine do 1616.godine izgrađena je grandiozna Sultan Ahmetova Velika plava džamija.
Mihrab indicates Kiblah - the direction of the Mecca (the most sacred place in Islam religion) and hence the direction that Muslims should face when praying. For almost 500 years church served as a model for many of the Ottoman mosques. Opposite Hagia Sophia during the period 1609 and 1616 the grand Sultan Ahmed I Mosque (Blue Mosque of Istanbul) was built.
1935. godine nakon dolaska na vlast Kemala Ataturka doneta je odluka da se Aja Sofija pretvori u muzej.
In 1935 when Kemal Ataturk came to power, Hagia Sophia was converted into museum.
Danas se u muzeju mogu videti neki od otkrivenih mozaika I elementi islamske umetnosti.
Today some of discovered mosaics can be seen in the museum together with elements of Islamic art.
Sultan Ahmetova Plava džamija ima šest minareta i po kaskadnoj arhitekturi liči na Aja Sofiju.
Sultan Ahmed’s Blue mosque with its six minarets and great cascades of domes looks nearly like Hagia Sophia.
Sultan Ahmet I je želeo da napravi mesto za muslimansku molitvu koje će biti lepše čak i od božanstvene Aja Sofije.
The founder Sultan Ahmet I wished to build an Islamic place of worship that would be even more beautiful than magnificent Hagia Sophia.
Dobila je naziv Plava džamija po plavim pločicama kojim je ukrašen enterijer džamije. U njoj se i danas obavljaju molitve ali je dozvoljen i pristup turistima.
It got a name Blue mosque because of the blue tiles that are decorating walls of the interior. Today it is still place for pray but tourists are allowed to visit too.
Može biti zatvorena od podneva petkom jer je petak sveti dan u Islamu. Ulaz je besplatan .
It may be closed from Friday noon for a Friday is a holy day in Islam. Entrance is free of charge.
Iza Plave džamije nalazi se splet starih kaldrmisanih ulica koje sećaju na prošle vekove.
Behind Blue mosque there is a net of old cobble streets which call to mind foregone centuries.

U njima je smešten mali hostel (20 US dolara noćenje sa doručkom) uređen u autentičnom stilu Turske iz prethodnih vekova.
A small hostel (20 US dollars BB) decorated in authentic Turkish style from previous centuries is situated there.

Na krovu zgrade napravljena je mansarda na kojoj se pije čaj I kafa sa pogledom na Plavu džamiju.
On the roof there is a terrace where you can enjoy tea or coffee with the view to the Blue mosque.

Sa druge strane mansarde ujutru se služi doručak. Od ranog jutra mirišu domaća peciva, upravo umešena, tek napravljeno domaće kiselo mleko, masline I raznovrsne orijentalne đakonije. Davno zaboravljeni ukus prave domaće hrane, pogled na zaliv I brodove nad kojima se igraju galebovi biće neočekivano iskustvo .
At the other side of the terrace in the morning breakfast is served. Since early morning fresh home - made pastry and sour milk smells nice, along with olives and various oriental delicious food. Long forgotten taste of home - made food, view to the bay and ships above which sea-galls are playing will be unexpected experience.

Sve je tiho, mirno I veličanstveno kao I sama magija hedonističkog orijenta.
Everything is quiet, still and magnificent just like a magic of hedonistic orient itself.