недеља, 30. мај 2010.

Most na reci Kvaj, Bridge over the River Kwai

U mirnoj provinciji Kančanaburi na oko 130 km od Bankoka, ka granici sa Burmom nalazi se čuveni železnički “Most na reci Kvaj”.

In the quiet province of Kanchanaburi about 130 km west of the capital city of Bangkok, towards Burma border, there is a famous railway “Bridge over the River Kwai”.

U drugom svetskom ratu napravljena je jedna pruga kojom se iz Tajlanda transportovalo ljudstvo i oprema na front u Burmi. Ruta pruge je išla preko dubokih dolina i planina. Sav težak posao obavljan je ručno jer je teren bio nepogodan za prevoz opreme. Radove su izvodili ratni zarobljenici uglavnom Australijanci, Englezi, Holanđani, Amerikanci i Azijati. Oko 16.000 ratnih zarobljenika i 150.000 civila izgubilo je živote gradeći ovu prugu.

During the World War II a railway was made. This railway was intended to move men and supplies from Thailand to the Burmese front. The route traversed deep valleys and mountains. All the heavy work was
manually done as earth moving equipment was not possible. The workers were war prisoners mostly Australians, Dutch, British, Americans and Asians. About 16.000 war prisoners and 150.000 civilians lost their lives building this railway.

Njihovi posmrtni ostaci nalaze se danas na memorijalnim grobljima. Jedno od njih je Kančanaburi, nedaleko od ozloglašenog mosta i “Pruge smrti” na kojoj su umrli.
Their remains are reburied after war together at memorial graveyards. One of them is Kanchanaburi cemetery situated not far from notorious bridge and “Death railway” on which they died.

Pored groblja nalazi se i Ratni vojni muzej. Sva tri mesta su svedeočanstvo i opomena da je rat tragična besmislica.
Close to cemetery there is a War Museum. All three places are testimony and warning that a war is a tragic nonsense.

Prvobitni most je donešen sa Jave u delovima i rekonstruisan. Srušen je u brojnim bomdardovanjima krajem drugog svetskog rata od strane savezničke avijacije. Posle drugog svetskog rata ponovo je podignut te su danas na mostu samo lučni delovi originalni.
Originally the bridge was brought, in pieces, all the way from Java to be reconstructed here. At the end of World War II it was destroyed in numerous air attacks by Allied bombers. After the war it was rebuild so today only round sections are original parts of the bridge.

Most na reci Kvaj zapravo ne prelazi preko reke Kvaj već preko reke Mae Klong. Režiser filma “Most na reci Kvaj”, zbog kog je ovaj most postao poznat širom sveta i velika turistička atrakcija, možda nje znao (a možda je i znao) da pruga ne ide preko reke Kvaj te je nastala velika zbrka. Kada su turisti počeli da dolaze na Tajland i traže da vide most Tajlanđani su se dosetili pa su deo reke Mae Klong (ispod mosta i malo duže) jednostavno prekrstili u reku Kvaj (Kwae Yai).
The Bridge over the River Kwai doesn`t cross over the river Kwai but over the river Mae Klong. The director of the movie “Bridge over the River Kwai” didn`t know (or maybe he did know) that the railway didn`t go over river Kwai so it made a big confusion. When tourists started coming to Thailand to see world-wide famous Bridge, Thais got an idea and simply renamed part of the Mae Klong river (under the bridge and bit longer) into Kwae Yai.

Danas kada posetite to mesto priroda je toliko lepa i pitoma da ništa ne ukazuje na stravične događaje koji su se odvijali pre sedamdeset godina. Jedino je most pomalo zastrašujući, crn masivan i gvozden kao i vremena u kojima je nastao.

Today when you visit this place the nature is so beautiful and tame that nothing indicates terrible events that happened seventy years ago. Only the bridge is bit scary, black, massive and iron like times in which it was made.

Ako stupate na most treba da znate da ima neku hipnotičku moć i da ćete dok koračate njim tek negde na pola reke shvatiti da hodate po uzanom koloseku pored kog su ogromne rupe kroz koje se može propasti u ambis. Tada će na sredini mosta nastati panika jer niko neće imati hrabrosti da se pomeri u stranu kako biste vi prošli. Desiće se da ćete morati sa nekim da se zagrlite kako biste se mimoišli. Ukoliko patite od straha od visine možda će vas strah paralisati pa ćete ostati “večno” na tom mestu. A nije loše znati da je pruga u redovnoj upotrebi! Ja nisam znala!!!

If you step on the bridge you must know that it has some hypnotic power and that if you walk over it you `ll somewhere in the middle of the river become aware that you are walking down the very narrow gauge with huge holes by it side through which you can drop into abyss. At that moment in the middle of the bridge panic will get you because no one will have courage to move aside so that you can pass. At some point you will be forced to hug someone in order to swop places and pass by each other. If you suffer from fear of heights maybe the fear will paralyze you and you`ll stay on the bridge “forever”. And it`s good to know that the railway is in a regular use! I didn`t know!!!

Više podataka o ratnim događanjima može se naći u vojnom muzeju.
More details about war happenings can be found in the War museum.

среда, 5. мај 2010.

Drvengrad na Mećavniku, Drvengrad Mecavnik

Na putu Užice – Višegrad koji lagano vijuga preko severnih padina Zlatibora na jednom brdu zvanom Mećavnik pored sela Mokra Gora postoji maleni grad. Sanjao ga je i iz svoje mašte magičnih slika otelotvorio svetski poznat filmski režiser Emir Kusturica. Nadenuo mu je ime Drvengrad.

At the road Uzice – Visegrad (in Serbia) which curves slowly over the northern slopes of mountin Zlatibor, on the hill called Mecavnik, next to the village Mokra Gora there is a miniature town. Famous film director Emir Kusturica dreamed of it and from his fantasy of magic images embodied it. Than he named it Drvengrad (Timber-town).

Udahnuo mu je život ekstravagantne umetnikove kreacije. Kustendorf, kako ga još zovu, je mali hotelski kompleks u etno stilu sačinjen od drvenih kuća, kamenih stepeništa i uličica nazvanih po velikim umetnicima i njihovim delima. U ulicama „žive“ neobične statue i imena koja od zaborava čuvaju velikane poput Ive Andrića.
He gave it the life of an extravagant artist`s creation. Also known as Kustendorf this town is actually a small ethno style hotel resort made of wooden houses, stone stairs and small streets named after great artists and their works. In those streets an extraordinary sculptures and names “live” and they preserve from oblivion giants such as Nobel Prize winner, writer Ivo Andric.

Kulturno-sportski centar Prokleta avlija

U Drvengradu miriše planinska priroda, sija čisto planinsko nebo, golica čula sveže spremljena domaća hrana i tihuje neki viši mir. Zato je ovo mesto pod jasnim suncem jedinstveni kutak za odmor. Na oko, zaspao u vekovima, Drvengrad je zapravo moderno opremljen hotel sa izvanredno uređenim sobama, restoranima,
In Drvengrad mountain nature smells, clear mountin sun shines, fresh home made food tickle senses and live silently a superior peace. That is why this spot under the bright sun is a unique corner of the world for holiday. Looking like fell asleep in centuries, Drvengrad is actually modern hotel with remarkably designed rooms, restaurants,

teretanom, bazenom i bioskopskom salom. Zimi se može skijati na stazama koje se nalaze u blizini i na kojima uvek ima prirodnog ili veštačkog snega a leti šetati po okolnim brdima. Kusturica je, zbog Drvengrada, 2005. godine dobio evropsku nagradu za arhitekturu Filip Rotije. Nagrada, koju tradicionalno svake treće godine dodeljuje „Fondacija za arhitekturu” iz Brisela, jedno je od najcenjenijih belgijskih i evropskih odličja u oblasti arhitektonske kulture.

gym, swimming pool and cinema. In a winter time one can ski on ski chutes that are in a vicinity of the hotel. Natural or artificial snow are allways provided. In a summer time it is a special experiance to walk over the surrounding hills. Kusturica gained in 2005 an european award for architecture Philippe Rotthier. This award which is traditionaly assigned every third year by Brussels Foundation for Architecture «Philippe Rotthier» is one of the most appreciated Belgian and European awards in a world of architecture.

Reditelj je 2008. u Drvengradu osnovao Međunarodni filmski i muzički festival “Kustendorf” i ovaj festival se održava svake godine. Osim redovnih učesnika kao specijalni gosti su se na festivalu do sada pojavili reditelji Nikita Mihalkov (2008), Džim Džarmuš (2009) i glumac Džoni Dep (2010).

In 2008. the Director Emir Kusturica has founded, in Drvengrad, Film and Music Festival “Kustendorf” and this festival takes place every year. Apart from regular participants so far special guest such as directors Nikita Mihalkov (2008), Jim Jarmusch (2009) and actor Johnny Depp (2010) attended the festival.

U blizini hotela nalazi se stanica pruge Šarganska osmica. Ova pruga uskog koloseka sagrađena je početkom dvadesetog veka i danas je jedinstvena u svetu. Vožnja Šarganskom osmicom je poseban turistički doživljaj.

Close to hotel complex there is a station of Shargan Eight railway. This narrow gauge railway was built at the beginning of twentieth century and today is unique in the world. Excursion trip with Shargan Eight train is an exceptional experience.

Više informacija o Drvengradu može se naci na internet sajtu: www.mecavnik.info
More information about Drvengrad can be found at: www.mecavnik.info